Current leader : Zakariya



As there are continuing blockers on WeChat, with the main issue of can’t connect to WeChat via their API and our own server setup and the lack of support from Tencent, we discussed with Microsoft and they suggested us to switch to WebEx for the second connector. As such, the preparation work for our second connector has to be redone.



We encountered serious blockers when working with our collection. The bearer token would not work and provide error 400. We realised we needed to include the prefix “Bearer “ when entering the token as the key. The second was the use of variables in our templates. Meta continued to reject whatever message template we submitted even though we complied with their checklist for success. thirdly was that the Power Platform did not allow access to nested arrays in the JSON body which meant that any variable could not be accessed. This issue was particularly concerning as the usability of the connector in our E2E relied on the set of variables for submission. Only the first blocker was resolved.

We established our E2E Scenario for WebEx that allow a patient to call into a GP and ask for an online consultation service. The GP would then create a online consultation link (a WebEx Meeting) via the Power App and the connector and send it via WhatsApp or email to the patient. When it is nearly the time for the appointment, the Power App would remind the GP to join the meeting and also send a reminder and the link via WhatsApp or email to the patient.

Testing for API has been conducted via Postman by importing a Github library for Postman and also implementing our own actions on Postman.

We have also encountered the same issue on WhatsApp that a bearer token was needed for authentication purposes instead of the OAuth. Based on the blocker that we had before, we are able to encounter the issue smoothly.

Successful Test on WebEx API  Postman

Successful Test on WebEx API Postman


To complete the WhatsApp connector on Power Platform

To submit the WhatsApp connector

To submit custom message templates to Meta for approval